Friday, May 18, 2012

Why not God!

Not knowing just who stumbles on to this dialogue, I hope any with doubts or in the scientific realm will read this short conversation with the open mind that you use when investigating any new thought or theory.
I believe the title pretty much says it all. I consider myself fairly well read on several topics, kind of a student of many, master of none. I am intelligent enough to comprehend the basics of scientific logic so I pose these thoughts to ponder.
Let us first look at evolution. Ladies and gentlemen can we please agree that is still a theory and not a fact. Though it may be the best wagon to hitch your logic to, since you do not seem to want to accept a divine creator, the long and short of it is there is no concrete connections. I am not as staunch a proponent of what many consider the Biblical timeline, so an older earth age does not bother me. I do firmly believe in the inerrancy of the Bible though. I believe God has given us all the information that we need to know in it; but that by no means has He told us all there is. If you are honest with yourselves you will admit that like we Christians must accept certain things by faith; you also accept certain premises that have never been fully proven.
So why is it impossible that there is a divine entity with all the characteristics of the God of the Bible? To be perfectly honest I am not sure that I could worship a god that I, or even the most intelligent person on this earth could fully comprehend. It has long seemed strange to me that science has had to re-adjust itself about every 75 to 100 years, but God has been the same forever. Do not mistake the errors of the organized church who have too often misrepresented Him, for the God who is constant.
I next would ask you if you have ever truly looked at the fine line that allows life on this planet exist? How different would our lives be if we were just say 1000 miles closer or farther away from the sun, or even the moon? That is barely a hair's breadth to 250,000 or 93,000,000 miles. Life would most likely be possible but much more extreme. What would we deal with if the asteroid belt were not in place as a fence to most of the space material constantly flying around out there? I could go on but I believe you see my point even if you are not in agreement. Just random coincidence huh, all of these various things coming together just right to make our little paradise.
I will wind down with the question of why so many different species if we all developed out of the same cosmic ooze? Now I agree that the symbiotic relationship we are all involved with are what keep things going. What affect would there be if all the mosquitos were suddenly gone. No one I know likes them but what an affect on the ecological balance. I just find it harder to believe in non-intelligent creation because of all the different species. Why would "nature" need to be so intricate?
I am not the first person to put these questions out there. If you have read this with an open mind I thank you. It is as hard for me to not believe in a omnipotent,caring,loving creator as it may be for you to believe in one. But just unintelligent, random chance; come on, you're smarter than that.
Yours in Christ, Mike

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