Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hello friends. Life is an amazing circle and we at times live it like a dog chasing it's tail. This last Sunday I asked a couple of brothers at church to pray for me and give me counsel. I have been somewhat chasing my tail trying to find out just what ministry God has for me.

Shortly after I gave my life to Christ I was attending Sunday morning bible class and one of the gentlemen their reminded us of a very important point. He said that when your boss wants you to do something he is not vague about it. He states what he wants done and gives you the particulars you need to get it done. If your earthly employer will do this, then why would we think that God would be vague or unresponsive with the task He has for us?

With all good intentions I have been searching for God's task for me when He may not have it ready or I may not be ready. The most important task, actually blessing, we have is to constantly be in contact and communion with God. If you know the bible you are familiar with the story of the sisters Mary and Martha. Martha was all busy getting things prepared for Jesus, while Mary was content to just sit at His feet and communion with Him. When Martha complained about Mary not helping, Jesus told her that Mary was doing what was good.

Granted that things need to be done, but they will be done in God's timing. Our greatest purpose is to daily draw closer to Him in prayer, meditation, and communion. When God is ready for us He will leave no doubt. So their counsel was to quit trying to out think God and just prepare for the day He calls by drawing closer everyday. When I shared with another dear brother in the Lord that I was so frustrated about apparently not hearing from God that I would at times yell up to Him; he said that maybe those were the times when God was trying to talk to me. His Word says," Be still and know that I am God."

Yours in Christ, Mike

Friday, May 18, 2012

Why not God!

Not knowing just who stumbles on to this dialogue, I hope any with doubts or in the scientific realm will read this short conversation with the open mind that you use when investigating any new thought or theory.
I believe the title pretty much says it all. I consider myself fairly well read on several topics, kind of a student of many, master of none. I am intelligent enough to comprehend the basics of scientific logic so I pose these thoughts to ponder.
Let us first look at evolution. Ladies and gentlemen can we please agree that is still a theory and not a fact. Though it may be the best wagon to hitch your logic to, since you do not seem to want to accept a divine creator, the long and short of it is there is no concrete connections. I am not as staunch a proponent of what many consider the Biblical timeline, so an older earth age does not bother me. I do firmly believe in the inerrancy of the Bible though. I believe God has given us all the information that we need to know in it; but that by no means has He told us all there is. If you are honest with yourselves you will admit that like we Christians must accept certain things by faith; you also accept certain premises that have never been fully proven.
So why is it impossible that there is a divine entity with all the characteristics of the God of the Bible? To be perfectly honest I am not sure that I could worship a god that I, or even the most intelligent person on this earth could fully comprehend. It has long seemed strange to me that science has had to re-adjust itself about every 75 to 100 years, but God has been the same forever. Do not mistake the errors of the organized church who have too often misrepresented Him, for the God who is constant.
I next would ask you if you have ever truly looked at the fine line that allows life on this planet exist? How different would our lives be if we were just say 1000 miles closer or farther away from the sun, or even the moon? That is barely a hair's breadth to 250,000 or 93,000,000 miles. Life would most likely be possible but much more extreme. What would we deal with if the asteroid belt were not in place as a fence to most of the space material constantly flying around out there? I could go on but I believe you see my point even if you are not in agreement. Just random coincidence huh, all of these various things coming together just right to make our little paradise.
I will wind down with the question of why so many different species if we all developed out of the same cosmic ooze? Now I agree that the symbiotic relationship we are all involved with are what keep things going. What affect would there be if all the mosquitos were suddenly gone. No one I know likes them but what an affect on the ecological balance. I just find it harder to believe in non-intelligent creation because of all the different species. Why would "nature" need to be so intricate?
I am not the first person to put these questions out there. If you have read this with an open mind I thank you. It is as hard for me to not believe in a omnipotent,caring,loving creator as it may be for you to believe in one. But just unintelligent, random chance; come on, you're smarter than that.
Yours in Christ, Mike

Monday, May 14, 2012

Greetings to all,
" I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6 NKJV. For many that is a very exclusionary and bold statement. The truth is very often a bitter pill to swallow. While Christ loved all with heart we can barely comprehend, He was not object to laying out a harsh truth. You see in this world of political correctness and fear of hurting someone's feelings we tell "little white lies" constantly. I agree that many of them are harmless, accept that when does LWL become bigger. I mean if I want to build up my muscles I may start with 5lbs. weights for awhile and everntually move to 10,20,50, or 100lbs. At each of the increments the former weight will feel very insignificant. Lying can be like that. It can also snowball into something we never desired it to be. Funny thing is that while we say we are telling the LWL to save someone's feelings we are actually just saving ourselves from possible conflict.
I am not here to tell you when your lies have gotten out of hand. What I would challenge you to do is build relationships and trust so that when you do tell that loved one "that dress does make you look fat", they will know it comes out of love and concern.
You see that is where Christ is coming from. He loves and knows us so well that He chances bruising our sense of fairness and tolerance of differing opinions to tell us the most important truth. It's funny that people will accept a concept of heaven, yet reject the concept of hell. We will readily accept the scientific statement that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yet when we speak or feel about our spiritual condition we only want to accept the good option. Let me assure you, Satan is real. Most of us so abhor the thought of being ruled over we reject any hint of a higher or lower controlling power. We may accept the idea of a loving God; but for the most part we won't give credence to a controlling evil.
When God saved me and forgave my sins He also opened my mind to an enlightening truth. This truth is not particular to me, all who give their lives to Christ can have it; but I don't believe those who haven't can truly grasp the depth of it. Sorry if I just tweaked your sensibilities and I may be wrong; but I don't think I am.
Can you imagine our parents letting us do whatever we wanted when we were say 2,3, or even 4. Let's see, take those keys and stick them in the electrical outlet, pull that table cloth with the hot soup or gravy down on us, I think you get my point. Doesn't that sound controlling to you? Of course not, that is protection of someone who knows no better. You see our inflated idea of maturity and intelligence blinds us to the fact that in God's eyes we are but children; His children. This leads our God to do things for our own good that we at the time, and much of our lives, do not understand.
You see that truth I was speaking of earlier is that all God leads me to is" for MY own good", not His directly. His true pleasure comes from seeing His children have the best life possible, but He loves us enough to give us freedom to choose.
So when you read something in God's Word that appears to go against the grain, ask yourself this: Would I tell my children a lie to save their feelings but might cost them their life; or do I share the truth that will eventually prosper them, though for a time we might be alienated?
Yours in Christ, Mike.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hello again. I have been rather sporadic with my post and plan to remedy this starting now. It is funny how much differently our idea of doing something successfully, and God's idea of doing something successfully is. I started this blog a couple of years ago with the intent to share the glory of my salvation and second chance in life that God has blessed me with. I was ready to discuss a relationship with Jesus with believers, non-believers, and those in between. To date it does not appear that I have anyone following this blog, which is what I have seen in the past. In the past it has, to be honest, disheartened me which is one reason for the long gaps between post. The last few years have been a bit of a struggle, which I have shared in earlier post. Well God forgive me it is still a struggle; but I am determined to keep struggling until I break out of my cocoon!
Remember earlier I mentioned the differences in ours and Gods view of success? Well idiot that I am,joking, I have been wanting some feedback to show how much good I was doing. Imagine that! I won't speak for the rest of you, but as for me I like to see results from my efforts. The results of our efforts for God are not usually what we think they should be. I very much envy those who can consistently do without seeing anything for their efforts.
Here is a little secret; maybe this blog is more for me than for you. Oh I don't want to be selfish, I would love to share some thoughts and views with you. But I must tell you that every time I post on here I feel better afterward. Maybe this is my little couch to get things off my chest and God is just in the room listening? As I have said, I have been in a funk. My wife suggest that maybe I go talk with someone and I tell her no. It's not because I fear sharing, duh, what do I do here. I have been that route and I just don't need someone to ask me," How does that make you feel?" So this is my little couch and you can be my counselors.
On an end note; when God ask you to do something, just do it. That is the success, just in following the urging if the Holy Spirit. We faithfully throw out the seeds, He waters and cares for them. If I faithfully do what God ask me to do and I personally see no results does that mean nothing happened? I  DON'T THINK SO!!!
We are a success every time we step out in faith to God's urging. Yours in Christ, Mike