Thursday, July 12, 2012

If the shoe fits!

Ever feel as if a sermon or comment was aimed at you? I believe it is that "Still small voice" not condemning you, but just trying to get your attention. I share many views and suggestion of things that we deal with in our day to day walk with God on this earth. Trust me, most are things that I need to look in the mirror of my own life about. Everything that I share is for the uplifting and enrichment of anyone it speaks to. I cannot walk timidly worrying that something I share may insult or offend someone somewhere. What I do promise is to never publicly point out or directly be offensive to anyone on this page or my personal one.

The thoughts I share are for you to take in, if you desire, and hopefully discern their application in your life, by comparing them to what God shares with us in His Word. Because I have given my life, my thoughts, my opinions, and attitude over to Jesus Christ, I believe He has given me a certain amount of discernment of His message. Sounds like a bold statement but if I had Rev. in front of my name few would question it. If your boss at work felt that you were fully dedicated to his plan, and had studied it deeply, and were committed to implementing it for the good of the company; don't you believe he would be comfortable letting you make firm statements about it?

I have absolutely NO desire to lessen or detract from the awesome men and women of God, who have dedicated themselves through education and study, to accurately and purely share the loving message of God with the masses. I just know that even though you and I have not been to seminary, it does not mean that we cannot also know the truth that is the Word of God. If higher education was the only way God wanted to mold people to be the vessels of His message, I don't think He would have chosen fishermen, young men, and every day people to be the leaders of the New Covenant. In sports, especially professional sports, you have a coach who job it is to design the game plan and pass it on to all the players. Now the players must know quite bit about the game and the plan for it to be implemented to the best degree. The players don't run back and forth to the coach saying, " What do I do now coach?". The coaches use the players they trust and know have studied the plan and the game the best. Now some players later move on to become coaches, not alot, but most of the players just work at being the best players they can be.

God has not made me a coach, yet, and maybe never will. I do know that if I never strive to be the best player I can for the team, He will never make me a coach. Being a player is ok though. I don't care how many good chiefs you got; if they don't have some really good indians, they ain't gonna win the battle.

So I will share what He puts on my heart, always securing it by His Holy Word; and prayerfully hoping that it may bring light to your darkness, ease to your pain, and mostly drawing you closer to accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, if you have not already. Yours in Christ, Mike


  1. Dear Servant of Christ Our Lord,Mike, Holy Greetings To You.

    While I am searching for Some particular Material,I found you site. Your Writings are Wonderful and Pleasing To God and useful for The Ministries.

    I am a Pastor from India.

    Can You Pray for Our Ministries for The Salvation of The perishing Millions?

    Can I Use Your Writings In Our Daily Ministries?

    If it is God's Will and if it is Your Will, Please send me an E.mail so That I can Write you about Our ministries. We Pray for You.

    In Christ Alone

    1. Greetings fellow servant of the Lord Most High. Forgive the long delay in this reply, but I am a cautious person, especially when it comes to electronic communication. First, you left no name, so this could be a scam. God knows. If you are legitimate, then God bless your ministry. If you want contact, why did you not give me an email address to respond to? I am always open to supporting the work of God, as I can. As far as the messages our Lord puts on my heart, they are for His children; just don't edit them. We must never restructure the words God gives us. I do not use this blog anymore, but I will check it occasionally to see if you are valid. I would need credentials: name, organization/church/charitable facility, which I could verify. Thank you for your interest. I pray for God's Will for you, never my will. Yours in Christ, Mike
